Saturday, January 6, 2007


Welcome to Tales From Tiger Lane.

In celebration of STAR's 50th Anniversary in 2007, I thought, "Wouldn't it be great if we could compile all the stories, whether it passed down from seniors or our own little tales from the days we were boys in STAR?"

And so Tales From Tiger Lane is born.

Why Tiger Lane? Let me explain to the non-Starians among us. Tiger Lane is what Jalan Sultan Azlan Shah used to be called, currently the home of STAR. I thought it would be a suitable title as it paid tribute to the history of the school. Oh yeah, sounding catchy also helps.

Compiling stories is nothing new. Way back when I was in Form One, the koperasi sekolah sold copies of Lau Hut Yee's 'STAR: Throughout The Years', a compilation of notes and jottings by former headmasters, teachers and students. It was a worthy piece, printed by Fajar Bakti if memory serves me correct.

But I'm not compiling a book here. Goodness no.

All I'm trying to do here is to pay tribute to our beloved alma mater by laying out a platform where we can share our stories and experiences. And what better time than this year, when we will be celebrating 50 years of STAR.

Why? Question is, why not? We all love a good story. Especially on how we escaped the fiery rotan of Encik Mat Rauhi, the midnight suppers at benteng, the sexy Japanese teacher that fueled our imagination, the burning of midnight oil leading up to SPM. Countless stories. I don't think this blog is big enough for all of them.

I might be drawing blank faces when I mentioned the above examples.
Of course.
Because they were during my time in STAR. What about yours?

We have a rich 50 year history. We come from different generations. Your TC wasn't the same as my TC. You might not even have a TC during your time! By having this medium, I think it's a great way for us to share our STAR experience. Which Old Boy doesn't like to strike up a story with the juniors during OBW? On how it was back then. On how you scored the winning try in the rugby final. Against Koleq!

We hope to get contributions in Bahasa as well. Feel free to express yourself. Rojak pun takpe. Think of this as one of those bedside stories you tell during blackout. Don't hold back. Everyone has a story to tell. Especially one from STAR.

Please tell us your tale from Tiger Lane.


Anonymous said...

yo dude?

mind telling me (or us) which batch u r from?

just curious. Encik Mat Rauhi? U must be batch 9+ rite?

Anonymous said...

Came to know this blog thru a posting on the staroba egroup. Congrats for taking the effort to create a forum for starians to share stories from years gone by. BTW I'm from the '79 batch, care to reveal your identity?

The Narrator said...

anonymous & hamdan,

thanks for dropping by, guys. i'm from batch of '97. i just thought we should have a place for us to compile the legends and tales we talk about everytime there's a reunion. since this year is our golden jubilee, what better time than now rite?
hope to get your contributions :)

Anonymous said...

Aku teringat kalahkan MCKK dalam game kriket di SMS Penang (STAR dpt 3rd place)pada tahun 1982.....syoknyaaaaa....

Anonymous said...

i was from dragon temple lane. musuh ketat tiger tu.

Anonymous said...

since dah lama x mng ngan koleq.. mng kriket masa zon utara mmg sesuatu yg amat membanggakan even through out the tourney STAR menang suma match...
panjat songkok tu lagi satu enjoyment masa kat STAR.. mana nk dpt view cam2...

Anonymous said...

i came across this blog while googling. i'm from batch 84-88 and yes, our group now has a monumental task of organising the OBW next year 2008. feel free to comment on our blog:
also, tell others about it ok?

Unknown said...
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azharr said...

gud gosh! just another 'cicit' from the infamous 'stone' clan??wot certain resemblance u hv to b nicked as such?our stone of 88 comes with 'special' powers.then theres another one from the 89ers;too with another 'outstanding unbeatable' powers.wot hv u? save it for the weekend lol!anyway this monochrome pages coz me some tears ...errk.reminds me of my very 1st copy of perintis from the 70's.Bro Hamdan shld kno hw the street got its name..

son of Dulla said...

Askum. Nice to know that such a blog exist. InsyaAllah saya akan selalu menziarahi blog ni.., kalau ada kelapangan. Anyway, saya adalah Batch68. (serumpun dengan Dato Dr. Awe Adik dan Idris Jusuh).

son of Dulla said...

Nice effort. Hope to hear the good news.. insyaAllah

Son Of Dulla (Batch 1973)

Hajime said...


Dr Backbone said...

Salam kepada semua ex-starians,
I am students from 1965 - 1970.